Thursday, April 5, 2007

Warning!! Fake Qur'ans! Don't Fall For The Dangerous Trick!

Recently another age-old circulating email made it into my inbox warning about the grave threat (or "dangerous trick") of a "new" fake Qur'an called Al Furqan al-Haqq. Moreover, this is being distributed in Kuwait, har dee har har.

I've been seeing this crap for quite a few years...actually now that I think about it, I was in law school when I first heard about it, meaning it's likely over 10 years old - hardly "new."

Anyway, the fact that the website you can read this fake Qur'an at is should be indication enough. Why does anyone in their right mind think that this actually poses a threat? You might fall off your chair laughing at it when you read it, and you could bump your head, maybe. But if a Muslim who reads this suddenly renounces Islam, exclaiming in ecstasy that he has truly found the Haqq, then chances are the book had very little to do with his sudden conversion. He was either 99% of the way there already, "there" being defined as a) apostasy, or b) a paagal khana.

Actually this "book" is a compilation of anti-Islamic diatribes authored by Anis Shorrosh, an Arab Christian made famous in the Muslim world by his videotaped debates with Ahmed Deedat. Apparently he took on the challenge in Quran 2:23 (And if ye are in doubt as to what We have revealed from time to time to Our servant, then produce a Sura like thereunto; and call your witnesses or helpers (If there are any) besides Allah, if your (doubts) are true) and, by all accounts, failed miserably.

Anyway visit the link. It's quite comical. Eg, Surah 2, entitled "The Basmalah," verse 2, which reads:

"He is Triune in Unity, united in Trinity, indivisible as deity."

ہیں؟ كی آكھیا ؟میں سمجھیا نہیں


Ayesha said...

yeah, i got an email about this a whie ago, and spent an amusing but increasingly frustrated hour on reading all the muslim comments saying how terrible and dangerous this book is, interspersed with obviously planted comments about how much sense the book makes and how the commenter is going to read that one instead, etc etc. muslims soooo need to get a life...

bsc said...

I also thought, Why warning?
You know that is one of my favorite verses. Anyway Mr. Sharosh seems motivated from making fortune with the audience being unwary Christians who are ignorant about Islam/Qur'an anyway. he seems to subscribe to"sub chalta hay" motto.

JAG said...

yeah there are a lot more books out there that are much more insidious than this "true furqan" crap

Anonymous said...

I'm more likely to see these books and go BO-ring.