Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Issa Baba

By far the coolest thing going on in life right now is watching my puttar grow up. There's just no other way to say it. It's like dat. When you see his very human reactions to things - it makes you realize how much he's actually soaking up, just being. And I'm pushed by an unconscious desire to stimulate him whenever I'm with him, though admittedly my natural inclination towards laziness allows Issa to run free and amuse himself without baba pointing out the fact that the weather is sunny in Punjabi, then repeating same in Urdu and then in English. But what got me the most was the other morning when he picked up my cell phone (yet again....grrr) and this time instead of attempting to swallow it, he held it in one hand, put it up to his ear, and began babbling, quite incessantly. And Rabiah showed me how he now stands tip toe, and can just about reach for door handles. (If a door is ajar he already knows how to pull it open, though he hasn't learned how not to jam his finger when he slams it shut again.) But apparently he's figured out the doorknob concept. He's standing and cruising quite comfortably, but no true-blue steps yet, though I don't think it will be much longer, and I'm no hurry to see it just yet anyway. He's learned to "gimme 5" (that's one thing I haven't done in Punjabi yet, cos "panj de dio" makes no sense) and I know he understands simple things like "aa jao" and "nahin." He's also developed a "shareer" look when he's about to do something he knows he's not supposed's bad cos I try to say "nahin" but I can't say it with a straight face.

Anyway I should get back to work...


bsc said...

Reminds me of the old days.
See the pleasure of raising kids?
See why we pushed you to learn more and more (even when you did'nt want to) Pretty soon other avenues of learning will replace you two. But enjoy while you can.
What amazed us was how he identified dadijan, with that sound of sher. He is sharp and it says something about his memory. We have higher hopes from him but I will never say he should be a doctor. It should come from him

Anonymous said...

mashaAllah :D Reminds me of my nephew back home.

As for high five in about trying this "HutH suT" we as kids cracked up when we realized this was a "translation" to our oh so fly high five - low five - up above - down below - you're too slow :p